Vysoké Mýto, Havlíčkovy sady

Havlíčkovy sady s bazénem a plastikou "Jeřába" od Vincence Vinglera, slouží k oddechu občanů. V pozadí věže chrámu sv. Vavřince.
Language of printed text on postcard:
Havlíčkovy sady, Zahrada, park, Vysoké Mýto - Pražské Předměstí, Česko
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1 other postcard can be found in the immediate vicinity of the place shown on the postcard
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Nakladatelství Orbis (Czechoslovakia)
Issue year of postcard:
February, 1964
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
137 x 104 mm (5.39" x 4.09"), rectangle
Persons connected with this postcard:
(Photo author)
(Postcard content - text)
(Postcard content - text)
Unused postcard
Postcard price: 0,70 Kčs (CSK) (+0,20 Kčs fee to support tourism)
Postcard codes:
F 12+25742 098073 20-3-1404 264