Vyšné Hágy, sanatorium

Vysoké Tatry - Hohe Tatra - Magas Tátra.
Vyšné Hágy - Sanatorium.
Language of printed text on postcard:
Slovak, German, Hungarian
Národný ústav tuberkulózy, pľúcnych chorôb a hrudníkovej chirurgie Vyšné Hágy, Štrbské Pleso 1, Vysoké Tatry - Štrbské Pleso, Slovensko
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86 other postcards can be found in the immediate vicinity of the place shown on the postcard
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Foto Centrum Koštial (Czechoslovakia)
Issue date of postcard is not known
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
140 x 90 mm (5.51" x 3.54"), rectangle
Unused postcard
Postcard price: 1,00 Kčs (CSK) (+0,20 Kčs fee to support tourism)
Postcard codes:
1320 1323/40