Krušné hory, Teplicko

Krušné hory
- Dubí - lázně
- Dubí - hotel Sport
- Krupka - Komáří vížka
- Cínovec - hotel Pomezí
Language of printed text on postcard:
Lázeňská 21, 417 01 Dubí, Czechia
show on map
Nakladatelství Orbis (Czechoslovakia)
Issue date of postcard is not known
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
146 x 103 mm (5.75" x 4.06"), rectangle
Persons connected with this postcard:
(Photo author)
(Photo author)
Used postcard
Postcard price: 1,40 Kčs (CSK) (+0,20 Kčs fee to support tourism)
Postcard codes:
6-89 140302101 8042