Howth, Dublin

Howth, Co Dublin
The picturesque fishing village of Howth is situated on a peninsula which forms the northern boundary of Dublin Bay. The demesne of Howth Castle is famous for its Rhododendron Walk and an ancient dolmen known as 'Aideen's Grave'. One mile off Howth lies the tiny island of Ireland's Eye, a favourite picknicking haunt. The cliff walk around Howth Head provides many spectacular views.
Language of printed text on postcard:
show on map
Estimated issue date of postcard:
2005 - 2008
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
150 x 105 mm (5.91" x 4.13"), rectangle
Persons connected with this postcard:
(Photo author)
Used postcard:
Stamp date: 26.5.2008
Paid stamps: 0,78 € (EUR)
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