High Tatras, Tatranska Polinka, Dr. Guhr sanatorium

Vysoké Tatry. Tatr. Polianka.
Hohe Tatra. Westerheim. Sanatorium Dr. Guhr.
Magas Tátra. Tátra Széplak.
Language of printed text on postcard:
Slovak, German, Hungarian
Vysoké Tatry 4
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29 other postcards can be found in the immediate vicinity of the place shown on the postcard
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Estimated issue date of postcard:
1934 - 1937
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
138 x 90 mm (5.43" x 3.54"), rectangle
Persons connected with this postcard:
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Used postcard:
Stamp date: 15.7.1937
Write date: 15.7.1937
Paid stamps: 0,50 Kčs (CSK)
Postcard codes: