Gottwaldov, administrative building Svit

- Náměstí Práce a 17 etážová správní budova n. p. Svit
- Площадь Труда и административное здание заклада Свит (17 этажей)
- Platz der Arbeit und das Verwaltungsgebäude (17 Etagen) der Svit-Werke
- Labour Square and the Administration building (17 storeys) of Svit, national enterprise
- Place du Travail et bàtiment des services administratifs de l'entreprise Svit
Language of printed text on postcard:
Czech, Russian, German, English, French
Zlín, Zlín
show on map
Nakladatelství Orbis (Czechoslovakia)
Issue date of postcard is not known
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
148 x 106 mm (5.83" x 4.17"), rectangle
Persons connected with this postcard:
(Photo author)
Used postcard
Fee to support turism: 0,20 Kčs (CSK)
Paid stamps: 0,30 Kčs (CSK)