Brno International Fair

Mezinárodní veletrh - Brno Československo
Международная ярмарка - Брно Чехословакия
Internationale Messe - Brno Tschechoslowakei
International Trade Fair - Brno Czechoslovakia
Foire Internationale - Brno Tchécoslovaquie
Feria Internacional de Brno Checoslovaquia
Language of printed text on postcard:
Brno-střed, Brno, Brno-město
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39 other postcards can be found in the immediate vicinity of the place shown on the postcard
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Nakladatelství Orbis (Czechoslovakia)
Issue date of postcard is not known
Postcard size (w x h) and shape:
147 x 105 mm (5.79" x 4.13"), rectangle
Persons connected with this postcard:
(Photo author)
Unused postcard
Postcard price: 0,70 Kčs (CSK) (+0,20 Kčs fee to support tourism)
Postcard codes:
20-6-140 6-62 96302 F 12-21698