Vladimír Hyhlík

Autor fotografie

Vladimír Hyhlík was born on August 12th, 1925 in Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. His parents were originally from the Czech Republic and his father worked at the financial directorate in Slovakia. Vladimír grew up with his older brother Josef. He studied at the photographic department of the Graphic School in Prague (1941 - 1943) under professors J. Ehm, Funke and R. Skopce. During the Second World War, he was part of the resistance in Czechoslovakia. He is known as a photographer and professionally devoted himself to photographic documentation of monuments for over forty years.

Date of death::
Vladimír Hyhlík is on postcards in 5 different variants:
Vladimír Hyhlík (24x), V. Hyhlík (9x), Vlad. Hyhlík (2x), Vl. Hyhlík (1x), Vladimir Hyhlík (1x)
(in parentheses after the name is number of occurrences)

Postcards by publisher

Rank Publisher Publisher Name, country, years Count Years
1 PressFoto Praha CzechoslovakiaCSK PressFoto Praha,
Czechoslovakia, 1968 - 1997
29 1968 - 1997
2 Foto Slide Press CzechiaCZE Foto Slide Press,
Czechia, 1997 - 2001
4 1997 - 2001
3 Nakladatelství Orbis CzechoslovakiaCSK Nakladatelství Orbis,
Czechoslovakia, 1966 - 1970
3 1966 - 1970
4 Dílo, spol. s r. o. CzechiaCZE Dílo, spol. s r. o.,
Rank ...
Order according to the number of postcards that individual publishing houses printed for the author
Publisher ...
Publisher's name. Click on the name of the publisher to view its detailed information.
Country ...
The country the publisher is from
Years ...
An estimate of the number of years the person with the given name worked as a photographer for the given publishing house. The data is based on postcards for which it was possible to determine the author of the photograph and the date when the postcard was issued. If the data is not listed, then no such postcard has been found yet.
All data in the above table must be taken as is. They are based only on the data collected from the postcards that are stored in this database.

Location of postcards on the map

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