

Overview of photographers, statistics of postcards

On postcards, photographers are usually listed in the lower left corner. These are often abbreviations. For example, Zdeněk Menec is on some postcards also listed as Z. Menec or Zd. Menec.

This leads, for example, to the fact that for some more common names the author cannot be clearly identified - if it is stated on the postcard name M. Legutky, so it is impossible to say whether it is Michal Legutky or Milan Legutky, who are mentioned in this way on some postcards.

Men / Women


List of photographers

By default, the table is sorted under the number of postcards where the photographer is listed as the author. If you want to sort the table alphabetically or by the years he was active, click on the arrow symbols in the table header.

Rank Name Name, years Count Years
Rank ...
Sort by the number of postcards with a given name as the author
Name ...
Author's name as it appears on the postcard
Count ...
The number of postcards on which the name is given as the author of the photograph. If it is a window photo and the name is listed as the author of several photos, it is counted only once.
Years ...
An estimate of the number of years the person with the given name worked as a photographer. The data is based on postcards for which it was possible to determine the author of the photograph and the date when the postcard was issued. If the information is not given, then no such photo has been found yet.
All data in the above table must be taken as is. They are based only on the data collected from the postcards that are stored in this database.

Karel: Grdfvb gttgvgy bbfdrtv

1.3.2023 23:54

Karel: Gdfvvfe vfdfrfgfdd

1.3.2023 23:54