Vydavateľstvo Šport, Bratislava






Years of operation:

1967 - 1992

Number of postcards by years

Main photographers

Photographers who most often photographed for this publishing house. The first 5 are listed. If you want to see all of them, click on the button below the table.

Rank Publisher Country Count
1 Juraj Bobula Czechoslovakia 3
2 Michal Legutky Czechoslovakia 2
3 J. Bobula Czechoslovakia 2
4 O. Nehera 1
5 O. Staněk Czechoslovakia 1
Rank ...
Order according to the number of postcards issued to the author by the given publishing house
Name ...
Photographer's name
Country ...
Country the photographer is from
Count ...
Number of postcards issued by the given photographer at the publisher.
All data in the above table must be taken as is. They are based only on the data collected from the postcards that are stored in this database.